Bettie van Haaster

visual artist

Artists website

CEAC exhibition

In drawings shapes and spaces and their intricate interweaving are followed. In watercolours fields and shapes of fleshy colour are depicted. The artist alternates making small structured paintings with thickly applied paint with periods of drawing and making watercolors. Both are sides of an earthiness underlying all works, referring to landscapes and spaces which can be seen as landscapes of our thoughts. The title Stay put refers to a quote from the book One square inch of silence by Gordon Hempton and John Grossmann. This book tells about a man’s journey to investigate and preserve silence as a human right to be able to connect with ourselves. -Stay put is also needed to make the works. -Stay put is needed to look at them and see. Stay put and concentrates on what you see in your everyday surroundings. There you”ll find wonderful shapes and colours in a cat, fruit, a plant or tree. All the miracles of the world are in closed in that surrounding, if you take time and see.

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Visit us

The CEAC art space is located in the heart of Shapowei, the art district of Xiamen.

Opening hours

Tuesday to Saturday

13:00 - 17:30

Visitor information

Siming South Road 400, 3rd Floor
Xiamen, 361005, China
Tel. 0086 (0) 592 2180850

Location map CEAC